Amber lee..

Oct 27, 2008 14:45

Everything on here is common knowledge so don't worry about reading on and hurting plot stuff.

So I have been playing Ragnar for a year and a half approximately.. He has had one driving goal that whole time. To find and help his sister Kaylie. (his sister was killed when he was little. and it is a big deal to him)

He carries a doll his sister used to have and whenever I go to my bone circle I take it out. (I lost it at one point and refused to refresh my healing without it until I found it)

During that time Ragnar has been searching for his sister. I began to worry that if I ever found her, the role play would be a let down because really, there was over a year build up and how could any NPC live up to that.

But Saturday night as I was sitting in the tavern. I was wet cold sick and tired. Grums company had mostly gone to bed and I was up with house becon. I was over heating in the Tavern and generally (physcially) miserable.

ok.. From here I am going to try and paint the picture story time wise cause it was that cool to me. I dont do much writing anymore so please forgive me if it sucks. :p


My eyes stared vacantly at the fire from across the tavern. The light dancing about throwing its glow across those who huddled near it for warmth. The air heavy with moisture seeming to crush all those under its weight. My head heavy as I was barely aware the members of house beacon who sat with me had included me into their conversation. The tavern was settling into a slumber as it seemed nothing could motivate these weary souls out into the elements.

But even as darkness washed over my eyes a unsettling noise crept into the tavern like an unwanted guest. Horrifying blue eyes peaked into the tavern. And that noise... The noise caused the tavern to erupt into a frenzy of activity as if a bee's nest had been struck. footstep thundered about as fear gripped every sole in the tavern. Amidst the confusion a voice called out.

"By my voice... EXPOSE RAGNAR"

A new fear gripped me as I cried out. No sooner then my cries escaped my lips house beacon had a line formed in front of me. The often chided group had leapt to my aide ready to lay down their lives to protect me. But through the storms of noise. Through the fear and confusion walked a spectral figure. She stood tall wearing a white cowl and blue robes. She moved through beacons lines emanating a calm that still even the most shaken hearts. Her feet made no sounds as the brought her up to me. Then she spoke. Her voice was soft and soothing. Her eyes gently locking with mine in a manor that I could not pull away from. Her words triggered emotions that the proudest of poets could not ever hope to describe..

"Hello brother"

What happened next I can not describe. completely flooded with emotion I babbled like a child. All the while she smiled softly. For years I had imagined what I would say to her if I got the chance. For years I planned that moment. and when it happened, I was speechless. We spoke for a time when my friends began to go to the darkest road. I look out torn as they went into danger. My heart was breaking as I did not want to leave her. But then she offered to come with me.

I went out onto to the road with those who dared. The rain pelted down on us as if the skies sought to punish us. The wind howled as it seemed the Gray man himself was angered with us. Our boots sunk into the mud as we trudged our way into the darkness. My sister sister hovered near by, a soft glow reassuring me as the light from the tavern faded. It truly was the darkest road for all those but me. She stayed with me like an angel. Creatures began to appear and strike at us. Their eyes glowed blue, and their claws tore into us. mud splattered as bodies fell lifeless into the soaked ground. I moved to help, and with a flash of lightning the field was illuminated and I was suddenly aware that I was very much on the front line taking the place of warriors much better suited for this then I.

The creatures tore into me. Despite my best attempts I was no match and before I knew it I was falling to the ground. A soothing touch opened my eyes, and standing above me was an Angel looking over me. I moved to protect her even though the creatures could not hurt her, I still tried to protect her. The monsters stabbed me... they broke my bones... they pierced my soul with pain. Each time she was there. She healed my wounds. She mended my bones with a touch. She eased my troubled soul. She.. saved me.

Our task was soon completed. But all I cared was I was on the field with Kaylie. I felt I could have taken on the world with her at my side. As the citizens of shadowfane returned to the tavern I was happy to walk with her in the rain. I was able to put my arms around her before she returned to the gloaming. My soul was healed and I returned to the tavern a a different man. One that was finally whole.


Just a little out of game note. all my incants used to be "by the will of my ancestors" I have decided to change the ones i can to "By Kaylie's grace." I think it is more fitting and I will likely try to figure out a way to cram a few more syllables in there lol

Anyway, it was amazing. I wanted to share, thanks for reading.
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