(no subject)

May 24, 2008 09:40

I want to cosplay.

Who you ask?

2 people.

1. Aoi from Ayabie. My friend and I are going to do it, but it might not be for the concert since it's not enough time and finding the fabric is like a nightmare. We keep finding look alikes, but not the exact one! Grrrrrrr . . . so we might change the cosplay to another one of theirs.

2. Yellow Ranger f(Nishikido Ryo). XD
I was thinking maybe Yoko, but I don't want to melt in an all black outfit. So I thought yellow would be more suitable. Plus, I love Ryo to bits. Hey, does anyone want to join me in cosplaying Kanjyani? Tell me~~~~~~~~~

And I'd like to declare that Bump of Chicken and Radwimps are just awesome in any situation. Plus it makes me feel all nostalgic. Listen to them and you shall know.

My dad is planning to buy all 3 of us (my siblings and I) new mattresses. THANK GOODNESS! My back was getting so messed up that I'm so sure I have scoliosis (spelling?)
And yes, even at this moment, my back is crying. D;

So I was also reading some scans over at news_jpop (http://community.livejournal.com/news_jpop/2573376.html#cutid1). It was about everyone's date plans. I read all of them. XD They're all so cute. I think just reading it (and if I didn't know them and I just read about their date plans), the best seems like . . . Koyama and Tegoshi. Their date plans were really adorable (especially sweet time). XD

BTW, for all you NEWS fans that want to know what I'm talking about, I'm actually TRANSLATING THAT BIT AS WE SPEAK. So expect it up soon~!


I TRANSLATED IT~! Go here please!
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