May 26, 2005 16:03
im sick of your nonsense its not that no one understands it that we are so pissed at seeing you cry your sorry ass of and then want to give him payback he didn't even fucking go out with you consider how someone else feels for one moment in your life mayybbbee he liked you but has found someone else it happens get over it cuz its going to happen many many more times in your life hes a boy your fifteen you were never so self absorbing befor this mike boy and now you act like your world is over what you had was mearly a fling and now you say all the time i hate myself i cut well darling those have already been taken i personally find it quite funny how all of these feelings never were apparent befor some of your friends have been through things like this befor and it just didn't happen over and your life may not be perfect but its not bad either i could be so much worse but i guess its because your a selfish spoiled naperville girl who for once relizes your not getting everything you want from who you want when you want get used to it..... its a phase mearly a phase this is the cold hard truth take it into consideration how hard its been for other people and let them open up to you cuz maybe just maybe they need their friend back that they used to have'll be fine soon and all this time of moping will be one sorry waste of time you'll relize it soon but for now take it from someone who already knows and has been to hell and back multipul times knock of the act.... and go back to that great caring strond kid you once were its for the offense intended.....lyke you i just needed to get this off my chest