May 01, 2005 08:25
[a]ge: 17
[b]oyfriend/Girlfriend: bf
[c]areer in Future: forensic psychologist
[d]ead person you would like to meet: my nan
[e]ssential item: lip gloss? lol. nah probably my purse or my watch
[f]avorite song at the moment: umm.."lady" lenny kravitz
[g]irls you've kissed: og...nikki and robin. NAD MY MOMMY BUT NOT LIKE THAT! (you dirty dirty people) lol
[h]ometown: rosdale
[i]nstruments you play: recorder?? hahaha
[j]ob title: cashier
[k]icks Ass: friends, my lover, some people at my job, baseball
[l]iving places: umm?? my room? lol
[m]ost memorable moment of today: shannon( a guy in produce) hitting me with a role of paper towel and calling me a "turd".
[n]umber of people you've slept with:you people and your sex talk. obviously its going to be 1. lol
[o]vernight hospital stays: none..yet
[p]hobias: spiders, bees, whasps, snakes, sharks
[q]uote you like: "when i look into the future i only see you" something random
[r]elationship that lasted the longest: 1 year and almost 8 months. (current)
[s]exuality: hetero
[t]ime you wake up everyday: weekdays- 5:30. weekends- usually early depending on what time i have to work.
[u]nique trait(s): humor? uhh... im sweet? i dont know. lol.ask someone other than me.
[v]egetable you love: broccoli and cheese.
[w]orst habit: chewing on my finger nails.
[x]-rays you've had: teeth.
[y]ummy food you make: hmm...cake
[z]odiac sign: scorpio