green tips from work

Jun 18, 2008 18:50

I thought I would start posting these...we get these through work...

Go Green Tip of the Week (Courtesy of our U.K. friends "across the pond"):
Wasting food is bad for your pocketbook AND for the environment

According to The Friends of the Earth U.K. (United Kingdom) which sends out weekly "go green" tips,
food tossed in a landfill generates methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. They estimate that as much
as 1/3 of the food in the U.K. is thrown out. They recommend the website below:
Go Green Tip of the Week (U.K.):
This website contains helpful sections on preventing food waste such as calculating food portions, food storage tips, and why it matters! These are good "real-life" lessons for students about food choices and even budgeting.
Reminder Tip: If you don't already have a compost pile (see one of our first "Go Green" tips), it's a great time to start. If you've had one for a while, dig out some of that great stuff and add it to your vegetable garden!
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