We have a new look!
vchambervchambervchambervchambervchamber The mods at
vchamber would like to announce several changes to the format and content of the comm. In the past, the community has been an extension of
The Chamber fiction archive as well as a graphics comm for women of color. But starting this month, we're extending that focus to include post about news, essays, interviews, fan-mixes, videos, and more. Anything that allows us to continue to celebrate women of color.
Please note that we've also created a new and hopefully more streamlined tagging system for posts which include general fan art tags for fiction and graphics. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the change, please feel free to post them here or pm one of the mods listed in the user profile.
We need your help to make this a thriving forum for members and watchers, so please feel free to pimp the new
vchamber on your journals and communities.
Thank you so much and we hope you enjoy the changes to the community!