Changes to burgundy_shoes

Jul 13, 2009 21:53

Hey everyone. Just wanted to let you know that we're going to have to make some changes to the burgundy_shoes community. You all know zxfactor posts some amazing screencaps for us all to download and use (with a quickness I might add) and doesn't ask anything but a thank you in return. Unfortunately so many people have been downloading her caps that we're about to run out of bandwidth. Which means dead links, something that we absolutely DO NOT want to happen again.

So starting today, all resources at burgundy_shoes will be members only. This includes screencaps, textures and PSD files that may be posted in the future. We've changed the community to open membership, so please make sure you join the community in addition to watching so you won't miss out on any resource posts.

And while we're at it, let's all show zxfactor a little love too ;)

Thanks again for watching (and joining!) burgundy_shoes.

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