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Last night I had a really really good time-I learnt a lot of things about people that I didn't know before, so I thought I should record it with a few photos. Jessie, Clara, Lily, Claire, Charles and I went to The Dice gig in Camden, which was reaaaaaallly great. Then we all went back to Clara's and sat up all night talking and left at 7 when Clara's Dad picked her up. I love that feeling of walking home after not sleeping, with the cool air and the kind of daze that you get, and people looking at you because you're dressed up from the night before and your makeup is still all over your face and the walk only takes about one second because you're so busy thinking about the night...
Anyway... pictures!
I had to have a record of how absolutely stunning Clara looked-when she first met me I thought she was some 25-year-old woman!
I know it's really bad quality but thats Jess, Claz and Charles in the gig.
Jess and Claz
Myself and Lilian
This isn't actually from last night...but I love it so ha
And these pictures are just yum so they go in:
I cut that hair!
Hope everyone's having a good Easter holiday.