It's a 1168 page book, so honest, I'm not quoting it nearly as often as I could O:>

Apr 03, 2009 10:43

"I know the unimportance of suffering, I know that pain is to be fought and thrown aside, not to be accepted as part of one's soul and as a permanent scar across one's view of existence."
- JG, Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand

I know it. I learned it the hard way!

There are people who try to connect to each other by sharing their stories, how they handled something, what an experience is like, and that's a different thing. Maybe even a noble thing, I think.

Ever met one of those people who always has to one-up your tragedy or worry? Or who justifies cruelty with stories of their suffering? Or who's comfortable with the pain, and never even tried to fight it?

This is what we don't understand when we do that. We think the scars, like facets of a diamond, make us shinier, give us depth. The only thing we have in common with diamonds, though, is that we will cut you, and deeply. Be weary wary.

atlas shrugged, social anthropology, books, opinionated, self-awareness, self-responsibility, do you know what i mean?, self-reliance

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