Ugly Beautiful

Feb 15, 2009 08:44

I sign my name to all my flights
All my break downs
All my calamities
I cannot disown them as others do
That would be like looking at your arm
And saying it wasn't yours
Because you didn't like the way it looked
I have no separation, no distance
I can register the destruction of thought
I know the alien and the enemy
I cannot turn it loose into the streets
And not recognize it as my own
I cannot abort myself
I cannot disown myself
I'm locked in here
If there was a key I never found it
If I did I would have thrown it away
- Henry Rollins, See A Grown Man Cry, Now Watch Him Die ~1988

Insight begins with acceptance.
- Lao Tzu (trans. Grigg, Tao Te Ching #55) ~6th century BCE

wisdom, tao, self-awareness, henry rollins

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