Thankful for the Internet

Nov 27, 2008 10:56

I was philosophically boggling over the social power of the internet to connect people of diverse age, culture, sex, nationality, etc. this morning when this phrase popped into my head:

If we start here,
what is there to fear?

Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for engaging in friendships with diverse people on the Internet and in real life. The more diverse, the bigger the challenge, but I firmly believe we are, as a species, up to the task. There is always common ground, even if, as Jordn and I were discussing last night, it might be a simple love of LOLcats.

If you're willing to share, I'd love to hear about the most different-from-you or geographically distant friend you've been able to make or retain thanks to the Internet, or the friend you expected to be really different-from-you who you wound up having a lot in common with.

Thanks to the internet, I have a wealth of people I respect with whom I have differing opinions and beliefs. What an extraordinary tool.

I definitely have the internet to thank for my most diverse group of intelligent, polite, tolerant and kind-hearted friends: (1) gaming; the vision of Ragnarok ( 2222) lives on in our friendships and loyalties to each other and (2) the vision of Goth Community (SeaGoth, Convergence, etc.) lives on in our friendships and loyalties to each other.

How cool is this.

you tell me, thanksgiving, metalj

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