Red Seas Under Red Skies
by Scott Lynch
This is the second book in the series that started with The Lies of Locke Lamora.
Weighing in at over 700 small-font pages, this is no small endeavour, but well worth it, for the following reasons:
• First author to match Terry Pratchett for number of times I've laughed out loud while reading
• Doesn't allow the reader to rest in the momentum of a familiar story line - what a relief! I'm pretty sure some of the plot twists can only have been thanks to a d20 roll on what-to-write-next wherein a critical fumble clearly occurred
• I find myself invested in the characters as much as I do the characters of the Kushiel series by Jacqueline Carey, which I consider to be a particular strength of hers
• While Lynch's gender equality takes a bit of a turn for female supremacy in this second book, it is nonetheless refreshing to read a book where both men and women can be strong, weak, smart, stupid, conniving, honest humans without depending on stereotypes like the Scorned Woman to justify a strong, intelligent female character
• Death, when dealt, is more real - people frequently die according to the likeliness of the situation rather than the reader's attachment or lack of attachment to a character
• I've never read a book that so felt like I was reading the story a friend had written, in this case
ogremarco. Scott Lynch is apparently also a roleplayer so that might explain it in part.
• Con artists, intrigue, thieves and pirates! What more could one ask :)
I leave you with this excerpt, which finds Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen (Jerome) learning how to sail from a weathered sailor with a kitten in the boat for Good Luck:
"You two have any money in the things you left ashore?"
"Some," said Locke. "Maybe twenty volani. Why?"
"Then I'll bet you twenty volani that you two are gonna capsize us at least once before the sun goes down."
"I thought you were here to teach us how to do things the right way?"
"I am. And I damn well will! It's just that I know first-time sailors too well. Make the bet and the money's as good as mine. Hell, I'll pay up a full solari against your twenty silvers if I'm wrong."
"I'm in," said Locke. "Jerome?"
"We've got the kitten and a blood blessing on our side," said Jean. "Underestimate us at your peril, sailing master.
It had been refreshing, at first, to work for awhile in completely soaked tunic and breeches. After they'd righted the dinghy and rescued the kitten, of course.