the ongoing conversation ... today, it's responsive women

Jun 24, 2008 14:46

one of those friends where
having talked at length
even after they go elsewhere
you keep talking

oh how i love those friends

i'm still continuing conversations with my aunt dot
even though she's been dead for a long time
because she was just exactly that thought-provoking and astute

last night lauren (dj_stitch) and i got on the subject
of bisexual girls dating bisexual girls
and some of the inherent awkwardness of the situation
in a city filled with smart, charming, attractive men
who are open minded about bisexual women
and line up when we're single with dimples and anecdotes and hope and
the occasional caw of a circling vulture

we are responsive people, reactive
our only required action at the beginning
when dating men is to make it clear
that yes
i'm interested

then, they get to do quite a bit of the leg work
and if we like what we see, we become responsive

the most valued among us are the most responsive, i think
not just among bisexual women, but simply among women
perhaps simply among people, hell even among pets!
but i think everyone enjoys a demonstrative creature
and even if that demonstration is just in response to something
it's still demonstrative

so i'm brilliant
if you invest a little in me
i'm reactive, i'm responsive, i'm inspired
but if there's no initial deposit

click. whirr. click. whirr.

like i've long forgotten what it is
to be the fire starter
the one doing the leg work
the challenger
like i'm half asleep until someone wakes me up

lazy lazy lazy
comfy comfy comfy

this impacts many things
unfair shares of the kinetic energy that gets the ball rolling
confused girls being eternally hesitant with each other
hypocritically bored with non-instigators without actually instigating

i suspect it's just as much a problem for straight women
in this city where we have so many men
where we have our pick among many
and most of them smart or funny or sexy
when they at last meet a shy man they like
poor shy men
it seems to me that the shy
require years of being reactive and responsive
before they can begin to come out of their shells
i wonder if shy men in this city are
perpetually single
and that they share in our perplexity
we bisexuals, we passive receptors
we idle folk until activated

i used to be the instigator in kansas
where the sexes are more balanced
and before i became
an extreme sexual minority among geeks and gamers

now i'm much more socially inept
much more lazy
amaze me

even among friends where i might be said to instigate
really, i just have a legacy of interesting things
that i'm ongoingly reacting to

lazy, i tell you, lazy...

blather, social anthropology, armchair philosophy, queer, self-awareness, lauren, head noise, kilbey-style

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