The Clixbians: Atavistic Romantics; Romantic Atavistics

Mar 17, 2008 11:28

atavism n. recurrence of or reversion to a past style, manner, outlook, approach, or activity

romantic adj. marked by the imaginative or emotional appeal of what is heroic, adventurous, remote, mysterious, or idealized

Ever felt sane and sated hand-stitching something that could've been machine sewn?

Ever delighted in growing, picking and grounding herbs from your own garden for cooking spices?

Ever daydreamed of living off of the land like a Native American or a pioneer?

Was that salad you grew and picked from your own garden the best salad ever?

If you feel yourself nodding, then you're probably an Atavistic Romantic.

Ilsa (aggrobat) and I recently decided to appropriate "clixby" from The Meaning of Liff by Douglas Adams and John Lloyd, which they appropriated from a lazy town in England.

So if you feel yourself nodding, then you're a Clixbian.

Welcome to The Clixbian Society, where we daydream from our desk jobs and internet addictions and retail dead-time of being falconers, or raising bees and harvesting honey and wax by hand, or building a log cabin 3-car garage in Alaska by felling the trees ourselves. What do you daydream about?

I find these daydreams and, whenever possible, being more hands-on and atavistic, helps me fight the malaise and futility that occasionally blind-sides me in the corporate world or while sitting at home staring at the internet on hour 10.

(my iPod oracle, on all-song shuffle, is in sync with me here - heh)

What atavistic hobbies do you engage in?

daydreaming, the clixbians, you tell me, romantic

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