KSL - Kid Sign Language

Jun 22, 2002 20:05

I have to share this story. It was so much fun, but I don't know if it'll translate well into text.

So, I'd just dropped off some friends after dinner on Capitol Hill, and was heading down Rainier to hit the highway and head home when I saw Mt. Rainier framed in front of me and was awed. And got a hair up my ass to see if I drove Rainier Ave long enough if I'd eventually hit the volcano. Look at map?! HA! Where's the adventure in that? ;)

Off I went, la di da, through Columbia City and down into Renton.

At some point, I wound up behind a station wagon, grown ups in the front and middle seats, and four children merrily crammed into the very back, facing me. And being the utter loser I am, I was picking my nose and they CAUGHT ME ;) One 8-10 year old male on the right side, and three little girls on the left, I'm guessing 8, 7 and 6 or thereabouts. It was the boy who saw it and I gave him a big stupid smile like ha ha ha oops ;) And he *mimicked* the smile I was making, which was absolutely hilarious, but I tried to keep a straight face. The girls saw what he was doing and looked at me expectantly, so I flipped him a \/\/ with my hands and they ALL immediately responded with a \/\/ |_ ("whatever loser"). At which point, I just totally busted up. From then on, it became me and the middle aged girl teamed up against the boy, and the other two girls switching sides depending on what hand signals were funnier.

The boy had a \/\/ sequence that I didn't recognize. If I had to guess it looked an awful lot like implying a circle jerk, but they were being way too clean so I have just absolutely no idea what that was about. He pulled off what I suspect translated into "Take a flying leap" quite well.

We got through Talk to the Hand, rolling the eyes, serious head bobbing attitude, sticking our tongues out and using the universal baffled shrug when someone else executed a particularly insulting motion ;)

And yeah, I was driving :) This went on for like 8 city blocks, plus 2 red lights. I was totally tailgaiting and they kept trying to get me to pull closer, laugh.

This utterly rocked my socks, but it gets better. When I finally pulled away to get to an exit to head back north, having decided the Mt. Rainier excursion could wait until I had water in my car, they all gave me the "I love you" and peace signs.

Hell yes. It was an incredible experience.

kids, things that rock, road trips, charmed life

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