
Jul 08, 2005 21:56

A and I are watching Hero, a Jet Li movie that was in the theatres recently.

Having been a long-time kung fu fan, I was awed by the level of art that is suddenly coming out of China and turned to A and said, "The art coming out of China right now is amazing. What does that mean?"

"Art precedes science," he said.

In archaeology, there are these long periods, maybe 2-3 centuries, where a culture's art will suddenly become and be described as "decadent". What that means is, the art is rote, it's copy, it's bland. No one is inspired, no one is creative on a grand scale that lasts 1,000 years, no one demands beautiful things and that each tradesman find the height of their skills through constant challenge. I'm getting romantic but you get the idea.

I think our science is dead. Grant limitations and commerce obsession have castrated pure research.

I think our art is dying very quickly. Dating an arts organization executive director only enhances that sensation, I think.

What was the last piece of modern art that truly touched or inspired you, that has a chance of surviving the next 1,000 years?

In the voice of Lando Molari: "We are a decadent people."

I don't want to be decadent. I'm surrounded by brilliant people, and I feel the absence of a monument to the kind of brilliance we share.

Let's see if I can focus on this Hero-induced epiphany long enough to alter my path a bit and have a more artful life...

science, social anthropology, armchair philosophy, adam, art, movies

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