Name: Carey Elizabeth Russell
Age: 17
Location: Falls Church
Occupation/Future Occupation: something involving math or writing
Marital Status: Unmarried
Zodiac Sign: taurus
Code: crussel1
Bands/Singers: (for today only) Usher, Eminem, The Used
Movies: (for today only) Princess Bride, 6th Sense, and ANY chick flick (not counting those with ben affleck or freddie prince jr cuz those just suck)
Actors: Bruce Willis, Mandy Moore (don't laugh, i'm in love), Lindsay Lohan (don't laugh, i'm in love)
Books: mmm... poetry
TV Shows: discovery health channel (not counting any show on birthing)
Food: pineapple, cucumber, broccoli, hot steaming beef
Place: anywhere with gordon, cuddling with nicole in her bed, or surrounded by nipple and cole in mer's basement
Color: red
Sport: basketball and football
Sex: yay for safe sex
Abortion: back off, this is a personal choice
War: sometimes inevitable, but always last option
Censorship: IS CRAZY! They wanted to censor Mark Twain and edit Dickinson!!! BOO!
Death Penalty: sticky subject, but yeah... i guess
Religion: i like christmas
Euthanasia: agonizing for patient and witnesses
Cloning: my curiousity is too vicious for me to say no
Gay Marriage (and not just love): wonderful. love is amazing, and professing that love is only better
On You
Talents: i'm sooo good at being weird
Describe yourself in a few words: energetic, spastic, motivated
A bad thing about yourself: I'm sensitive, and often dishonest
What do you look for in a friend: support, forgiveness, and fun
If you could change something about you, what would it be: today i would change my feet
Dreams you have: that whole spending my life with someone, owning a puppy, having a cat that likes me...
If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be: my cat. definitally my cat!!