Aug 29, 2029 20:13


Good? Bad? Too pushy? NOT PERKY ENOUGH?
Complaints, suggestions, etc. are all welcomed! Anonymouse okay, screened and no loggin'.

Plotting and contacting is welcome here, too. You can also AIM me up at evercelle!

[01] Maya gets rescued from Crab Island, Pearl is Not Buying A Word of That, Edgey slips up
[02] Phoenix and Maya have a GIRL TALK and ooze fluff everywhere, fo seriously
[03] Nick emos all over his keyboard, Maya cheeses on it, the future is broadly speculated upon and then...
[04] Karaoke solves everything with not-really-secretly spiked drinks! Maya also attempts to befriend Smoker with limited success(?).
[05] Maya and Klavier do damage control in Nick's bedroom

annnd a few favorite threads~

[PWDR] You SURE you're not a steel samurai fan, Mr. Edgeworth??
[MM] Congratulations on your healthy, beautiful baby Robot, Tsuna
[MM] This is like a retarded version of The Parent Trap, only with bombs and no twins

Threadhopping with this character - yes/no/other?: sure, sure~
Hugging this character?: she'll be surprised or dreadfully confused but will probably reciprocate! ...or... be more confused.
Giving this character a kiss?: sure
Badtouching: she'd flip out f'sho, man
Lovers: nein, danke~
Punching this character (provided they can fight back): depends--she's not a fighter, but she can be reckless and jump into things depending on the context.
Is there anything you do not want mentioned near this character?: anything's free game!
Easiest way to get on her good side: FOOD. CORNY ACTION SHOWS. Or just being friendly in general is enough.
Easiest Way To Get On her Bad Side: being mean/bullying her friends or family.
Can I Hack Her Journal?: PM/talk to me first, we'll see?
Can She Hack My Journal?: She's not that computer savvy, haha.
Fourth Wall Breakage: You could, but where she's at right now in the AJ timeline is... pretty much entirely ambiguous.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: 'TIS BUT A TRIFLE FOR A SPIRIT MEDIUM ffft yes
Maim/Murder/Death: Non-lethal injury/permanent scarring and kidnapping is pretty much par for the course for this girl.
Blood: Will squick or panic her.
Favorite Person: Nick & Pearly!
Favorite person he's met on the comm: uhh IDK HAVEN'T BEEN AROUND THAT LONG

If there's a thread I left hanging and you want me to finish, just hit me up and I will BACKDATE THE HELL OUT OF THAT FOOL D8

!logs, !hmd, !ooc

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