Feb 03, 2005 21:52
well...my life is pretty much the same. school, homework, robotics, sleep. rinse and repeat. we have our gear shifter working. woot! woot! for all of you, that means that we can now shift into two different speeds for the robot during competition. much excitement.
we have a pep-session tomorrow and i really want to pie sanders. it sounds like just the thing to do. i really can't stand then 'n now. too many people don't give a damn and it's supposed to be the best choir in the school. i don't know why i'm wasting $165 on a freaking dress that isn't even sized right for a choir that i don't even care to be in anymore. i guess i'll quit bitching since i wanted to be in it. maybe my expectations were just a little too high. i mean, they're all still high schoolers, so i shouldn't have expected too much.
i smell like a robot. i should go change that, but i don't know if i have the energy to stay standing up in the shower. and i have to study for chemistry. and do my econ homework. i can do that while mitchell talks about current events. yeah. i'll study for chem in the morning, too. and i'll go to bed now. i think i'll shower tomorrow. nite nite.