Aug 30, 2005 15:32
The title is a lie. Hee hee.
This past week I've been feeling quite good. Like overall my mood has been constant, falling in the realms of content and good. I think I'm starting to get a handle on controlling my moods. I'm cutting off my mind from going into dark places, and it's working very nicely thus far. Of course I have had a couple of moments, but nothing like the past few weeks.
I think the thing that helped me the most was going to talk with a counselor...that and realizing what time of year it was...Having summer classes really threw off my internal body clock...I didn't really realize the time of year. This is the time of year in which I always get depressed. Good old seasonal depression! Even as a kid I was like was related to having to go back to school! Lol! =P
And the talking has opened up my mind to other issues affecting me. All in all it has taken away a lot of the confusion I was feeling. I swear, nothing sucks more than not knowing why you feel down....
So, yes. I'm doing well. =)
I have also embraced my nerdyness by creating a World of Warcraft character! I created it on Jason's account. I'm up to level 6 now I believe. I'm a warrior Night Elf. Hee hee. I like the game, tho I don't know what I'm doing half the time. Jason's walking me through it, which is nice. And he is all happy and excited that I've created a character. He has dreams of myself and him questing together. Lol. He's so cute! I will probably end up buying the game for myself...and paying those darn monthly charges...Ha ha! I'm so cheap! XD
Oh, and in other big news....
I FINALLY bought my new computer. I customized a Sony Vaio to fit my needs. It probably won't arrive for another month or so. Bleh! I want it now! I should've ordered it months ago..... =P
I'm so happy....I finally made a decision and went with it! Of course now I'm a lot poorer! Lol. Damn me and my expensive computing taste! :shakefist: I just hope it turns out to be a worthy investment. I'm hoping I can use it for at least the next five years or so. ^^; It should take me all the way through school and beyond. Heh.
Oh well, being poorer gives me more of a reason to go to work! I gotta get back meh money! I have books to pay for for classes...and cars to dream of buying....and money for life in general....
Living is expensive! XD
Well, I best go find something to occupy my time with. Talk with ya laterz. Buh bye for now! ;)