May 01, 2006 09:29

man.. i have not updated this thing since march at least a real journal entry...so i thought i would update to let everyone know how my wonderful life is going...

and not trying to be sarcastic there it really is going good!!for a chance... thank you god!!

the baby is going to be 16 months old on the 7th she has grown up so fast ... she is so smart were i read to her so much when she was a baby she brings me a book and makes me read to her every nite!! she will tell you what she wants not in complete words she will either take you to it and point or grunt...lol she is so fun..

and josh and i decided that for christmas this year along with everything else we are gettin her to get her all the disney movies ever made a tv dvd/vhs player and a entertainment center for her room.. well saturday we got her two movies and we let her watch cinderella she sat there in her chair and watched every bit of it .. and when those mice were singing she would crack up... we laughed at her so hard.. and she is so spoilt... but that is ok..

i love that baby so much i didn't think that it was possible to love someone so much..she is really my life.. i really didn't think that being a mom would be this much fun!!!

josh and i are doing good too.. i love him so much!! we are getting along like we did when we first got together he always pays attention to me now.. we are getting ready to go to gatlinburg for a weekend just me and him and we have never done that before... i will be crazy without Kamalynn but we really need this to get away from everything... im sure we will have fun!! i can't wait!!

my car is doing great i love it!! i didn't think i would like it beause it is not a suv that is what i wanted but it runs great very good on gas!! i don't think i could ask for anything better!!

my job is going good i got my hours back that was much needed.. josh's job is going good!! i really like the money 11 dollars an hour is pretty good money for atround here!! can't complain i guess... it would be nice if i was making 11 dollars and hour myself we would be doing good!!! we are gettin ready to get him a new truck he really needs that!! the one he has is not going much further!!

we just finished remodeling the house it looks great we moved rooms around..not sure why we put all that money in it because we are either going to buy a house or build one when i finish school then i will be making anywhere from 25-30 dollars an hour and boy do we need that!!

well i guess that that is good enough for now i will update again who knows when !!lol but im going to go eat im starved!!

love ya guys,
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