Oct 07, 2010 00:08
Beauty and Love. Two abstract concepts that I've been told I have strange views on.
Let's start with beauty.
This term tends to get wrongly used all the time. To be beautiful is not to be hot, cute, sexy, or any of those things. Sure, beautiful people can also be hot, sexy, or cute, but often times, people that are hot, sexy, or cute are not beautiful. They are usually extremely vain. Vainity is not beauty. Vanity is ugly. You can't be vain and beautiful, it just doesn't work.
To be hot, cute, or sexy is all physical. It's about being physically appealing, and not caring about what's inside of you. Beauty is so much deeper. To be truly beautiful, you must change the world or the people in the world significantly. You must leave your mark, an important impact. Being physically attractive may arise a sexual emotion, but is that really going to make a strong, significant differnce in the world? Probably not.
I have found that the people that are truely beautiful bring that beauty onto other people without even trying. It just comes naturally. They give other people's lives hope, meaning, a sense of positivity, a light in the darkness. They can make others see the world and themselves as being beautiful, too. Beautiful people are far from vain. Beautiful people are far from being superficial. Beautiful people are just simply beautiful. They are kind, compassionate, and always put others before themselves, without even realizing it.
Now, I know some one that is extremely physically attractive. Honestly this person may be the most visually appealing person I've ever seen, at least recently. Tall, blonde, tan, deep, possibly foregin, adding a sense of mystery. They may be called hot, sexy, or cute. Are they beautiful? Not really. Take away the physical apperance and there's no interest. He knows that he is attractive. He revolves his life around being attractive. He is positively intimidating. He doesn't look at you, he glares at you. He makes you feel small. He thinks he's better than you. He is not beautiful. He is physically attractive, but beyond that he is vain. He is ugly.
Beautiful people rarely ever see the beauty amongst themselves. It's quite sad. They are often times very visually appealing, and hold a beauty well beyond their outer apperances. My brother is beautiful, but he can not see his beauty. He is never vain. He is never judgemental. He is not coinceited. He is a lover. He is a rock. He is a supporter. He taught me to see the beauty in everything, even in the dark. He gives me hope in time of despair. He is an ultimate giver, who asks for nothing in return. He is not aware of all that he has done. Even when it is brought to his attention, he does not realize it. He is naturally beautiful.
And then there's the concept of love.
Love is such an amazing emotion. It is so powerful. It can be felt so strongly, but is so difficult to describe. When someone loves another person, truly loves them, they love them with their heart, their soul, their minds, and every single ounce of their beings. They love who they are, who they were, and who they can become. They love their strengths, their weaknesses, and every little thing in between.
Love is not always mutual. When love is not mutual, it can, and often does, feel like a death sentence. Why is this the case? Because love is such a strong, hard to feel emotion. We do not know why we love the people we love. It is a connection, a chemical reaction beyond our control. It just simply happens.
The common sense idea is to get over it and move on when we love someone who can't love us back. However, it's not that easy. You never really get over the one you love. To love someone means to have another person trigger a usually hidden reaction inside of you. They cause you to develop feelings that you can not feel for anyone else. Truth is, you never truly get over the one you love.
But does that mean we should stop trying? No. You loved before, unexpectantly, and you will love again, unexpectantly. It is hard to bounce back after a broken heart. It is hard to trust when you have been lied to. It is hard to love without a heart, but if you open yourself up and try, try, try, eventually you will find yourself capable of loving another person again.
So that is beauty and love. Beauty is way more than being skin deep, and true love never dies, but can blossom between another person, if you allow it to. The choice is yours. Now, go look inside a mirror. Tell yourself that you are beautiful, and learn to love yourself. Unless you're a naturally vain, superficial person. In that case you're ugly and should break your mirror and break the cycle. KThanxBye.