Mar 03, 2006 21:00
Yeah, since I got my 23 inch wide screen tv mounted on my wall I figure i'd update a bit on the status. I got a new computer from Dell (I know I know, i've heard the bad stuff and I've seen the bad stuff. Lemme tell you the good stuff) Lets see, it's super powerful, though not as powerful as what I am going to get, but damn close. This thing wouldn't heat up if you put it in an oven (but i won't try), it's got this cool airflow thingy in the front to keep the bad air out and the good air in. It's got this hatch for the PCI slots that virtually replaces the need for screws (in yo face phillips!) and once I hook everything up my media center stuff will be freaking sweet (can someone say taping on demand anime?!) Plus I tested the power of this baby with Black and White 2 and though it was made for ATI and for extreme edition intel processors (I have nvidia 7800 gtx and 3.0 ghz dual core) it ran rather well on the highest settings). So there you have it. Put a toilet, shower and a fridge in here and I will never ever have a reason to leave this room. Unless to play baseball or something. Oh well, maybe i'll have the peace time to myself that I so desperately needed. Anywho, till I actually get on my butt and start writing again, peace out.