Nov 24, 2011 06:53
Apples have been sauced.
Now to get all the excess water out. :3
10:04 in the ayem
Pumpkin bread has been cooked and one loaf delivered to Sbux. Apparently I was the only one who noticed one of my coworkers' new haircut. OOPS.
Need to clean up the kitchen so Mom can get started on the turkey and I can get started on the pie crust. Trip to Sbux necessary not just for the special delivery but also for the coffee I was too lazy to make myself.
10:14 ayem up the kitchen involved retrieving the recycling bin and one of the trash cans from the parts of creation they'd been scattered across. IT'S WINDY IN MARYLAND LOL
11:00 AM
Pie crust has been made. Now it's all on mawm. And me to find something to eat :|a