This Bud's for YOU!

Aug 09, 2007 20:40

Actually, no... It's an Olde English and it's for me.

Relax - before you start to wonder about me quitting drinking, you should know that this is a Celebration Beer so it's not really a beer at all. It's more like Champagne at New Year's or that fattening icing on your birthday cake - not to be done everyday but for very special occasions.

Why am I celebrating? Because I just moved the last of Wesley's things out of the house. Now that the last of his action figures, MTG cards, and comic books are off-site - I am free of not only him but his possessions as well.

You people owe me a solid slap in the face... This beer tastes like shit, friends don't let friends drink this crap - the least that you could have done was have a Shitty Beer Intervention for me. I am very disappointed in all of you.
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