Apr 06, 2007 20:34
Hello Barbara,
We were the previous owners of KB's Phaser and wanted to send a special "Thank You" for taking this sweet boy in your home. I was glad to hear he found a special place with you. Maryann sent us a picture of him with your email address. I keep a scrap book of all our adopted greyhounds and love to get updates on how they are doing in their retirement life. Any pictures are very much appreciated. I sit down now and then and just look through, it makes me smile to see them so happy and know they are ok. I keep a list of all their birthdays and try to send a "happy birthday" message to each one every year, so don't be surprised if you hear from me in March. (Phaser's birthday was March 1st). Just my way of letting them know I'll never forget them!
KB's Phaser was born and raised in Texas and we purchased him at auction in Abilene, Kansas. He raced at Derby Lane and was a good racer. His birthday is 3/1/04. His father was Oshkosh Slammer and mother Bd's Risingcloud. Slammer was a big "smiler". I'm not sure if Phaser smiles or not, but if he does he probably got it from his dad. Just thought I would give you a little info on where he was born, etc.
I'm sure Phaser will bring lots of happiness to your home. We also adopted one of our own and life would never be the same without him. They are all very special!
Thank you again for opening your heart to him. Your one lucky boy Phaser....enjoy your retirement!
Keep in touch.
Brought tears to my eyes.