(no subject)

Apr 30, 2009 20:05

So needless to say, Monday did not go as I had planned.

Woke up on Monday morning with terrible pain in my upper abdomen which I've actually had before. When I first had it and I went to the doctor(ok..urgent care) they thought it was an ulcer since I also had H.Pylori bacteria which causes ulcers. So we treated that, I had an endoscopic scope done and all was well.

The pain started Saturday night but had gone away by Sunday morning. Now here comes Monday and I can't even function. I called my mom to have her get an appointment with my family care doctor who happens to be an hour north. The appointment wasn't until 2 pm so I just had to wait. By 11 though I was done..I threw up, couldn't stop crying, the whole nine yards. My mom ended up driving down and we decided we were just going to go to the ER.

And as we all know ERs suck for being fast. We arrived at around 12:45 and we got into an actual room at 3 pm. The doctor came in and asked a few questions and he just decided to have me go get an ultra sound. So we went and did that with some funny Russian lady and went back to the ER room. So we figured out it was a gallstone that was causing all the pain and what was nice is that I didn't have to have surgery that day. My mom said it was an out patient type thing so I could be in and out in a day. I called work and switched a shift because hey it was going to be all good.

Doctor comes back in says he's glad we did an ultra sound because of what we found and then told me I was being admitted. Um...what? My mom asked why I couldn't just to an out patient and he said if it was just a gallstone he'd let me go but because there was a significant amount of inflammation I'd have to have surgery soon. Well awesome. So now its 6:30 and I'm about to be moved to an observational unit to wait for surgery.

The plan we were told was that I would be having surgery Tuesday sometime so for the time being I was just going to be put into the observational place. I get into my "room" I use that term loosely and I'm all set up with the iv and shit. As I'm being checked in by the nurse another nurse comes in to say that the OR nurse is coming to get me. So now I'm actually having surgery tonight. I should note that I really don't like hospitals and I've gone 22 years without having to be in one. So the idea of surgery made me very very very nervous.

I'm thankful that the OR nurses were really nice and helped calm me down because I was shaking and crying. The surgeon was nice, had me sign a consent for in spanish before he realized what he was doing. Anethesiologist..totally not spelled right but y'know, was cool. I was just laughing after he gave me the first drug before I was completely under. All the people were just laughing at me. Went in about 9 pm and I think it was around 11 when I was back in the room. My dad got there right before the surgery and so he and my mom hung out while I was in there. My mom finally got to eat so I was happy for that.

The surgeon told my parents that this was definitely the best move since my gallbladder was in bad shape. He ended up removing the whole thing so now it shouldn't bother me anymore. Didn't really sleep after surgery..I think I ended up getting maybe 3 hours? Morphine also isn't all its cracked up to be. And IVs can kiss my ass. I made it home on Tuesday by noon and this is where I've been since. My mom and I did go out for awhile yesterday but that's about it.

I'm going back to work tomorrow, I just have to take it easy. I could stay out longer but I feel bad because this is my last week there and I've already missed 3 days. Granted this is something that can't be helped.

And yea that's really all. I basically just meander around a lot and move like a pregnant lady. Percocet also isn't all its cracked up to be but hey when you take one of those then like half an hour later take an Ambien you get a solid night of sleep that's for sure.

I think this is the longest entry I've written in a long as time.
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