This is a book "mash-up" that's very dependent on your knowing a couple of children's books. If you don't get it, it's probably not worth the trouble of an explanation, but the "parents" are L'Engle's A Wrinkle In Time and Nesbit's Five Children And It. It's a bit surprising to me how many people think that E. Nesbit's book really was titled Three Children And It, per a Google search. Four ... was also somewhat popular.
This took much longer to put together than I expected, mostly because of difficulty matching the font for the authors' names. The font identifiers at and came up with entirely wrong suggestions, based on a series of questions about the font's properties; with
Adobe's, I couldn't even figure out how to mark the "categories" for a couple of words on the cover of a book. The identifier at took an uploaded image and quickly gave me a couple of possibilities that were pretty much bang-on - I still had to tweak the proportions a bit but it was enough to work with. I don't have access to the font (Century Expanded Italic) on any of the computers here, but for such a small bit of text, copy/pasting from images of a font sampler didn't take much work.