The horror, the horror...

Mar 16, 2011 12:34

The horror is not ABBA crossed with Lovecraft.  Terence Chua's work is pretty well done and lots of fun.

The horror is ABBA crossed with Gregorian chant.  Or, for that matter, Elton John crossed with Gregorian chant, or Elvis with Gregorian chant.

It's not the concept I object to, not at all.  It's the execution.  Cheezy synthesized music.  Weird pronunciations -- they pronounce "Waterloo" to rhyme with "toe", not "too", even though they've got the hint from the next line of the verse.  Lumbering monotonic rhythm.  Chopped-down vocal range so the choir can all keep up.  The reduced range would at least make some sense if they were determined that the entire group had to sing all the notes, but in a few places they're doing multi-part  harmony, so that's not the case.  Just because you're the "Brothers of St. Gregory" doesn't make anything you sing "Gregorian chant".  It's just... painful.

wtf, music

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