Some folks who do traditional folk music in Ottawa assembled a rendition of
"Good King Wenceslas" that I'm reasonably pleased with.
We were given an early version of the video with just a few voices and instruments, and asked to record ourselves performing along with it. I took an old SATB score sheet that I had, transcribed it into MuseScore, transposed it into the proper key, and relearned the tenor part. I'm disappointed by the number of takes it took me to get through it without a serious flub on the lyrics or pitch, but I got there eventually. I'm still not entirely satisfied, but I ran out of time, patience, and voice. I know that this reaction is partly due to being able to hear my part in isolation, and catching every tiny flaw in a way that ordinarily is covered by being part of a choral group. And, well, I haven't been singing very much over the past ten months or so, apart from the times when I was working on my own
two videos. I'm out of shape.