It would not have occurred to me that one might create permanganate at home by
dissolving steel wool in bleach. Nevertheless: I've got that distinctive grape-juice colour that first-year chem students at Queen's used to ask me "is this a purple solution?" about.
I probably won't bother to try to save and purify it; it's likely to be much more fuss than it's worth, I don't need it, it's relatively chemically unstable and would probably decompose before I got to play with it. My intended product is the rust, ferric oxide. With which I will make ferric chloride, by dissolving it in hydrochloric acid. With which I will make jelly.
I have also made some cupric (copper+2) chloride by dissolving fine copper wire in hydrochloric acid with hydrogen peroxide. Combined with ascorbic acid extracted from vitamin C tablets, I'll be making
copper nanoparticle jelly. The two jellies combined can be used to copper-plate stainless steel so it can be soldered onto.
From there, I hope to be able to build a light-up propeller for my bike helmet. I'm having some trouble sourcing some of the stainless steel bits, not to mention having to revise my designs as I discover that some items simply aren't available. I've already gone through a fair bit of hassle getting some T-pins that were supposed to be stainless steel, only to discover (on prior testing, because I'm suspicious) that they were just ordinary nickel-plated regular steel and rusted rapidly when scratched. (The seller tried to insist that their product was stainless and that I must have switched the pins. Then that, well, yes, their stuff rusted, but it was still stainless, just really low-quality stainless. "Of course if you scratch off the protective layer it rusts!")