Title: Our Unique Love Story
Rating: PG-13
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Romance, Crack
Pairing: Kyuhyun/girl!Sungmin
Summary: Kyuhyun is the transfer student. Sungmin is the prefect. It starts like any love story and ends like one but the process, not so much. It is unique after all.
Warning: Genderswitch, language
Chapter 9 )
Comments 6
Brb, reading first~~
And Sungmin is right, just tell the kids everything ^^
I love the cake making part the most kekes~
Thanks for the update~~ ^.^
i won't to kill you.
instead, i wanna give u a big hug.
i love it when the oven talk and wake another utensils up.
hahaha ..
It so quick....I thought your last chapter will be a bit longer and super crack
but I hope you will write another kyumin fic and continue Diary of an Awesome Dragon ^^
that how you end it XD
after all the weird stuff it ends kinda normally...
lol very nice though even if it misses a few little events but that's alright XD
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