Goodbye and Thank You!

Mar 29, 2011 18:30

Dear Readers (however few there may be left of you):

As you've no doubt noticed, this journal is pretty dead.

My interest in Takarazuka is null and has been for a long time, though I still value the good times I had in the fandom and am happy to see that the fandom isn't going to die out any time soon. ;)

As for Metro, I can't commit to reporting regularly about the activities of the Metro ladies anymore, either. Moreover, as you probably know, Deguchi Yumiko has now left Metro--after a year of agonizing over the decision--to get married and start a new life. Despite this heartbreaking decision, Sararan is continuing Metro as her own unit now alongside her other jobs (appearing in TV shows and the like).

As a result of Deguchi's departure, the Sararan fan club that was a remnant of Sararan's Takarazuka fan clubs will merge with the Metro fan club/mailing list. This means the new Metro + Sararan fan club membership will not cost you a thing, and anyone can sign up to support Sararan individually as well as her Metro projects. I expect we will continue to see many wonderful things from her in the future! ♥

But, on that note, I am closing this journal. Thanks to the free trial of paid account status, I have already locked down all public posts to friends-only posts. In a week I will probably make the entire journal private or simply delete it.

EDIT: Due to popular demand (?) I will NOT delete the journal. Entries will, however, be f-locked. Please poke me if I haven't friended you and you would like to still read the "archives." Thanks!

Anyway, thanks for reading! And if you are so inclined, feel free to come visit my regular journal, screamflydream. ^^

Best wishes,