The Book of Eli

Jan 31, 2010 18:54

Yesterday, I went to the movie The Books of Eli and I liked it :P

It was about the world after the Apocalypse and the main character Eli spent 30 years walking to the West. I don't think he ever says his name except for maybe the end of the movie and when the audience got to see into is backpack and he had a Kmart name tag that said Hello, my name is Eli on it XD

Anyway he's walking West and he has a special book that he needs to take West. He ends up in a town to get his small battery recharged and some water. To get the battery recharged and water he had to trade a lighter, two Kentucky Fried Chicken wet napkins, a small woven peace of cloth and some leather gloves. Everybody trades there is no money and everybody is uneducated and wild. The only people that can read are the few that survived when the "Flash" happened which was when everything got burned, people and vegetation. Some animals are alive but everybody either eats human meat (yuck) or the well preserved food in cans (spam anybody) maybe even twinkies.

So without spoiling anything because I would recommend going to see this movie for yourself. Eli has a book and this rich guy, well rich in this time wants Eli's book. Some chick tags along with Eli and they travel West and the rich guy chases after them to get the book. Stuff happens and the end. XD

Go see this movie, I'm not even complaining about the ending (shocking).

Oh wait after the movie was over, somebody backed into Lisa's car and smashed the right headlight. So we had to wait around the theater till that was cleared up. Lisa can still drive her car and it doesn't look so bad. It was so cold I waited inside by the door when everybody else was outside dealing with the mess.

movie, lisa, the book of eli, smashed car

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