knitstuff, since february

Jun 03, 2011 02:29

First - Ravelers, please go change your password, there and on any site where you use the same username OR email and password combination. There has been a security breach on Ravelry. More details from Casey on the main page and in this FTLOR thread.

HYP was great! Got some actual sleep beforehand this year, so I may have been less entertaining on the mike but enjoyed myself more. Bought some stuff. Can't really remember all of it at this point ... some ShelbyB, some NFC, got a book and a t-shirt and a tote ... won a very pretty business card case but gave it up to one of my awesome volunteers. Looking forward to HYP 2012! (did anyone end up with an extra ball-winder? we are missing one from the winding station - let me know)

MDSW was also lovely. Only went on Sunday so crowds weren't terrible. I missed seeing some friends that I usually see. Didn't buy too much - some gold drop spindle earrings for gingy's birthday, some brown/tan/black bulky from brooks farm, some blue cormo roving, and a TON of cormo/alpaca blend. was there more? don't remember.

working on a pair of cashmere cafe au lait mitts for myself. got my first installment in the twisted disc club. got some nummy green silk handspun from my friend greg (need to get some dragonfly silk fiber to replace). enjoyed the ATS friday-the-13-no-wait-20th sale, bought some sparkly dream in color. need to take lots of pics and post all this stuff to rav. someday.

happy knitting and stuff!
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