ARGH! No more cake for me? *sad panda*

May 24, 2009 20:44

So much has happened this past week - there's so much good, but there's so much argh! *stab stab stab* waiting to happen too - fuck. Work, it's excellent, I'm loving it, the people are awesome, the work is easy - the red tape is crap but it's a government agency, what do you expect? There's so much to learn, and even more to forget just as quickly :p My memory, of late, has been rather shyte - I think I just don't have enough storage space on the harddrive - maybe I need to upgrade to a larger brain :D

Thursday morning I received a call from my doctor's surgery - you know it's not gonna be un-serious when the receptionist says "Tan, you have an appointment on the 11/06, but Sam (that's my doctor) wants you in here tomorrow - he wants you in for a double appointment and the earliest he can see you is at 1:30pm" I mean, seriously, what the FUCK do you say to that? Well, if you're me, you ask "are you SURE it can't wait? I mean.. it's only 2 more weeks..." The very determined "No. Sam wants you in straight away, you have test results you need to discuss with him.." is a pretty good indicator that some shit's going down, and it's not gonna be "hey, we got your colonoscopy and gastroscopy results back and found faeries living in your large intestine. We're surprised you don't fart rainbows!" :/

My teamleader was sitting right beside me when I got the call, and she was ready to pack me off home to go straight to the doctors. When I repeated the conversation with her, she became concerned and asked if i wanted the rest of the day off anyway - I figured it best to stay at work and occupy the ol' brain with some heavy duty thinking. It worked - it kept my mind of wtf Sam would want me in there so urgently for.

When I got there on friday, the first thing he greeted me with was "Tanja, I think you should sit down." Oh what the FUCK DUDE SERIOUSLY? ARGH! Now, I should know by now when my doctor is about to be a serious smart ass, cocky "I totally rule because I just do" bastard, and this was one of those times. Yet, I completely missed the grin he shot me when he was telling me oh. so. seriously. that i needed to sit down to hear the prognosis. When I asked him what was going on, he stated calmly "I have discovered what no one else has bothered to even consider, and I'm going to make you better". Well, sam, that's great, but er, what's wrong with me?? .. He continued on to reveal "You are a coeliac" He was kind of surprised when I responded with "what? IS THAT ALL? i thought you were gonna tell me i had 6 fucking months to live!"

Needless to say, I do absolutely adore my doctor, and he is absolutely brilliant, but oh for fucks sake aaaaaargh to him for getting me so worked up! Tis hilarious now.. wasn't so hilarious at the time.

We had a chat about it, he gave me heaps of info and referrals to specialists, bone density xray stuff (coz apparently osteoporosis goes hand in hand with coeliac disease). Yah, there's a lot of crap involved. The best part of all this, tho, was that he told me that I no longer suffer from 8 or 10 different things - I have ONE condition now, and the other things are by-products of this condition. Whilst I still have high cholesterol, polycystic ovaries, suffer from depression and a whole bunch of other shit, as the coeliac crap gets brought under control, so will the other things, and in some cases (polycystic, depression, anxiety, moodswings, migraines blah blah blah) may actually be completely eradicated from my system. OH HELLO? HOW IS BEING A COELIAC A BAD THING AGAIN? oh that's right.. I'm a whinger :D Even when it's good, it's still gonna get whinged about :D

Anyway, I'm gonna bitch and moan for a few more months until I've un-glutenified (ahha I made up a word) my pantry contents - gotta get rid of the pasta, the flour, the cake mixes, everything - and replenish with gluten free produce. It seems that I'm very lucky because now, unlike 5 or 10 years ago, there are numerous products available and I should have a huge enough variety to choose from. Sweet. Oh, I'm allowed to eat potatoes and rice again (hahah stupid low/no carb diet is GONE GONE GONE!) So at least I get some om nom delicious foods to fuck around with until I've completely de-glutenified my pantry.  The worst thing is, if we go out for dinner (once a year coz we're fucking hopeless at going out) or go to a party or something, I'm gonna be so screwed coz I WANT BIRTHDAY CAKE! I WANT PARTY PIES! I WANT WANT WANT everything I'm not allowed to have. I'm thinking that the best way to combat this is to always always ALWAYS have at the back of my mind "untreated coeliacs are the highest sufferers of bowel cancer" (I read that somewhere). That's a pretty fucking good reason NOT to have that slice of fairy bread that's calling my name, dontcha think?

You know what sucks the most tho? I just bought about a dozen packs of little bites (these tiny little chocolate muffin things in packets - they were on special for half price, so i figured i could get 6 boxes for the price of 3 and they've been in the cupboard for over a week and I've not had one yet goddamnit I should've had some when I bought them but noooooo i was being good and now I don't even get to om nom nom). I also just spent over $100 on home made pies for my niece's kinda fundraiser. Guess what? I CAN'T FUCKING EAT THEM! Mike gets them all!

Well, B does too - but possibly not for much longer. Doc thinks she may also be a coeliac - it's hereditary. She's put on a bit of weight over the past few years, complains of a sore tummy regularly (I put it down to her not wanting to go to school coz she was being bullied.. hmm), is tired, irritable and highly sensitive (this is because she's tired and irritable)  etc etc. So not only do I have to go back to see Sam for myself in 2 weeks, but I need to take B along for assessment. This means she'll have to have a blood test done (first one ever since she was born) and possibly a gastroscopy too. Sigh. I hope she's not, but if she is, then she is and we'll deal with it.  It's gonna be easy for me to moderate what I consume, whereas B, she's gonna have a rough time of it. I spoke to her dad briefly about it tonight and he totally and utterly poo-poohed it. His response, after I told him that she will need to be tested, was "Stupid quacks, what would they know? How about you just eat healthily and be done with it?" OH HELLO WTF? We do eat healthily - but if she's a coeliac, don't you think he'd want to know this? I think he's going to make it extremely hard for her - he won't want to change his eating habits, he'll still serve her pasta and bread and whatnot. I'll kill him if it's proven that she is and he continues to be a cuntozoid. Okay, I won't kill him, but I'll keep wanting to. Gah!

All in all tho, it's not the death sentence I thought it was going to be.
What I wanna know is, where's the justice? Most of the coeliacs I know are skinny fuckers. Why'd I have to be the fat type of coeliac?

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