
Nov 05, 2008 15:06

Sigh. I hope with Obama as president the economy will get better. That way, people will get a job instead of stealing. There have been robberies near my school.  One of the robberies was actually in the parking lot.  The robbers were stole an Ipod or something.  Nobody got hurt or anything, but I’m scared because the robbery was at six or so(before the time change), and that isn’t dark at all. Sigh. This means that I will no longer be listening to my Ipod while I wait for a ride home. You know what’s scarier? I’ve heard rumors that a gun was involved in an attempted robbery by some bus stop and the two people fought the thief with the gun off…. I’m just relieved that that robbery wasn’t too close to my school, it’s close to a satellite campus that we have for computer classes. And I hope that the gun part is a rumor, cause if it were true then that would be creepy.

real life

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