Hey everyone, I've mostly been a lurker the past couple years, but I had a very random thing happen a few days ago, and I thought maybe if I posted about it, it would give everyone a heads up and possibly prevent it from happening to someone else!
One evening earlier this week, me and my bf were watching tv, when my bf started checking out the buns, whose cage is butted up to the couch he was sitting on. He noticed right away that something odd with my one male bun, Baman. He's about 6 months old, and not yet neutered, so when he lays down, a lot of times his man parts are visible. Well my bf could see that something was definitely not right with the parts and called me right over.
I came over to look, and was absolutely SHOCKED to see what looked like his insides hanging down!!! I opened the cage and gently picked him up to look, and sure enough, insides were on the outside!!! D:
After some frantic phone calls, we got ahold of the emergency vet and headed in. The vet was gobsmacked, she had never seen anything like that before! Said that it looked like he had somehow lacerated his testicle and partially eviscerated himself, with the testicle and part of his bowels protruding. Got him ready for emergency surgery, and recommended they neuter him at the same time, which was fine by me.
Surgery didn't go quite as planned, they ended up having to open up his abdomen to make repairs, but he came through it ok, and they kept him overnight for observation, with the promise to call me immediately if anything changed. I got very little sleep that night, expecting the phone to ring at any moment!!
I picked Baman and his antibiotics up in the morning, and the vet informed me that they were not able to give him his antibiotics that morning, because he kept biting the shit out of the vet and assistants! Lol. I got him home, and administered the antibiotics with hardly any sort of protest actually, which surprised me. He was pretty darn sore for a few days, but was eating and drinking fine immediately, which I was SO relived about! His incision looks great, and his recovery is going exactly as it should so far. *fingers crossed*
I snapped a few quick pics of the injury while I was waiting for the vet to call back, if anyone is interested in looking. I'll just link to them because the injury is rather gruesome, but surprisingly there was very little blood!
http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx321/superjess12/097.jpghttp://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx321/superjess12/098-2.jpg This was taken 2 days after the surgery.
Baman, who is a flemish cross, and his big silly ears:)
So afterwards, we were absolutely racking our brains wondering HOW Baman managed to do such a thing to himself!! We checked his cage, which is made of NIC panels zip tied together, like so many people have, and discovered one of the zip ties was not trimmed EXACTLY straight across, and there was a sharp point on it. There was absolutely nothing else in the cage that could have caused it, so we figure it had to be the zip tie. So I cut all of them off and re-zipped them, making sure they were cut properly with no sharp edges. So I guess this is a PSA for everyone who has a cage made of NIC cubes and zip ties, CHECK YOUR ZIP TIES!!!!!! Definitely a one in a million thing, but I would hate for it to happen to someone else!