Jan 02, 2007 23:48
January - At home! And happy to be there. Recieving weekly back massages from local masseus. She's funny as hell! Mom's birthday.
February - My birthday! YAY!!! Get sick on day of party. BOOOOOOO! Boomer starts bleeding internally. We put him down. Boomer dies. Two days later...
March - I'm back at work. I am sad. I'm back at work...and it's starting to rock! I spend the entire St.Patrick's day with bright green lips. That sparkle! CARNIVAL ROCKS!!!
April - CARNIVAL ROCKS!!!! And free Chinese food every day is AWESOME!!!!! OH MY GOD I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!! ALL THE TIME!!!! (and no shakies!)
May - Some dumb cunt from Etobicoke does get my joke about how Etobicoke has so much coke...So I'm fired. Home for four days! YAY! New ship...where they're kind of uptight. And don't have Chinese food.
June - Still new ship. I miss Carnival! I'm FIRED?! (They find out I'm on anti-depressants) >>>Insert ACTUAL depression here.<<< Begin demolishing my cottage
July - Demolish the fuck out of my cottage!
August - BUILD my cottage! And begin the long, horrible job of taking all the demolished junk to the landfill. UGH!
September - English class! I rock!
October - English class! I still rock! Depression sets in again, I begin to have a hard time with English. I still rock though! I pass with a 96% Fuckin' yea!
November - I miss Carnival. Pay monies for gym, or go to gym class for free....GYM CLASS!!! My gym class if full of morons. I MISS CARNIVAL!!! Fuckit, I miss Cruise ship work PERIOD!
December - I get sick, miss some gym class. I go manic, stay awake for 56 hours striaght, miss one week of gym class. I am so fucking failing gym class. CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dad's birthday. See James Bond again. It still rocks! ROCKS!!! YAMES' HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aaaand New Years.
At home, watching Comedy Network and Robin Hood: Men in Tights (!!!) with parents. Fall asleep shortly after midnight. Good night!