Jun 01, 2009 14:00

I really do think this should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway, just in case.

When I was 18, I terminated a pregnancy. I had the abortion on the last day of my first trimester, and barely managed to skate under that wire.

If I had found out when I was four months or five months along, I don't know what I would have done, but I'm fairly sure that my actions would have remained the same. I don't think that any woman, no matter who she is, needs to justify having an abortion. I don't care if she's one month or eight months into the pregnancy, I support her right to terminate it.

esorlehcar has a round up of excellent links about the murder of Dr. George Tiller, who was shot to death while attending church on Sunday. He was one of the few remaining doctors in this country who would perform late term abortions, and I can't tell you how fucking angry and broken hearted I am over this murder.

If you are anti-choice, I respect your right to have opinions that are different from mine. That said, if you, in any way at all, support this kind of atrocity, please do me the courtesy of taking me off your friendslist.
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