May 19, 2006 21:44
So I've been packing and cleaning and getting ready to go to my grandparents' house. I'm leaving on Sunday now because a)they changed their weekend plans and b)I am sooooo not all the way packed. However, I'll be done tomorrow whether I like it or not. :o)
I've been feeling kind of funny since I've been back in the Ville. I think it's just my summer skin that I'm settling back into, but sometimes it's weird. I feel strangely sad and don't even know why. And I was going through a box of clothes that I've had in the basement for a while now and I found this one shirt. It's not a particularly thrilling shirt, but I can not bear to get rid of it, even though the last time (and only time) I wore it was my freshman year of high school to a band dance. I guess I can figure out why I didn't want to get rid of it then, but now it's completely ridiculous that I don't just put it in my "clothes that don't fit, are too old, or are just not something I'd wear anymore" pile. Why do I have an attachment to a SHIRT? *sigh* Not only is the shirt itself not thrilling, but the dance to which I wore it was, let's be honest, not a big deal. It was a huge deal to my fourteen-year-old self, but it's been over 6 years! (That makes me feel old...) I just don't know yet. And, until I do, the shirt isn't going anywhere.
I need to go work in my room some more. Joy.