Leader Test Results
Today I had a sectional for band. I'm not tired or any thing but I am kind of sleepy. If only I weren't home, then I'd be able to have that coffee and cigarette i'm craving. I have the cigs, but no coffee, and i'm home so my family would know that I was smoking. I mean, sure my mom knows I did bud, but she doesn't really know I smoked cigarettes, my little brother knows, and my older brother doesn't know or care. Well, school was boring. It's horrible!! My classes are killing me. I got a D in an English test, and a D in my History test. I though it was easier but it wasn't. Like I really did think I did better, i guess i'm dissapointed in my self. I'm gonna have to study my ass off when ever a test comes along, but i'll deal with it. Any ways, i'm so not in the mood to write any thing right now, or even think so i'll write later. Muahz, -Patty.