Your Heart is....Romantic! Your heart is all about
waiting for your true love. When you have your
true love you always want to be with them! You
truly care about them and they will be the
frist thing in your whole life!
What Kind of heart do you have (with anime pics!) brought to you by
Quizilla You are Beautiful:
Girl you are a boy magnet you alway have a
boyfriend and all that stuff YOur lucky
What Are You? (anime pics)(Like 15 results) brought to you by
Quizilla Your...a lover
What dark emotion are you??? (anime pics) brought to you by
Quizilla you are punk! i dono wat to put here...half my
friends are punk.. like to shop at hot
topic and spencers. you like those random
sayings like "my imaginary friend thinks
you have serious problems" you probably
cause tons of trouble in school and anywhere
else. you are always up to do something stupid.
you think skata punks are hott(i agree with you
on that one).
what type of person are you? (with pics and for girls only) brought to you by
Quizilla Omigosh...3 more dayz...