(no subject)

Oct 07, 2008 20:46

Last Thursday I registered to vote. I'm rather excited about it. I have some friends who say they aren't going to vote, but I don't really see why you wouldn't. This is a really important election. I feel like when you have a decision that could effect not only your life, but everyone else's around you, even if you only play a very tiny part, you should do it. If you feel that you aren't well-educated on the issues enough to make an informed decision, then you should educate yourself on them. With the internet, it's not so hard, as the candidates all have websites that talk about what they plan to do, and there are other sites that can help you figure this sort of thing out, too. Just don't get caught up in rumors. But then, not voting is a choice too.
Either way, I know who I'm voting for.

Sooo... any of you want a dog? Like Alfie, for instance?
My uncle didn't end up keeping him. He liked Alfie, but he couldn't get him to stop going to the bathroom in the house. For this reason my parents don't really want to keep him, and I can't take him because our lease doesn't allow cats or dogs.
If any of you have experience with house-training dogs and would want to take him, we'd all rather he go to the home of someone we know, instead of some stranger. I like Alfie and I'd want to be able to visit him sometime, you know? And hey, you can have him for free. That's good, right?
However, if you can't or don't want him, that's okay.

Edit: By the way, Grandma is out of the hospital and went back home, so I'm happy she's feeling better.

dogs, voting, politics, alfie

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