Jan 29, 2004 21:20
WTF is up with DAMn minnesotan boys. is everyone in thsi whole fucking state sXe? seriously. the whole "no beer no drugs no sex" thing is getting on my nerves. i ahte minnesotan boys. im tlakin to davind and sarah and other qyuers who dont matter right now on IM and david told me hes straight edge. and sarah said her friends in minneapolis are like hardcore sXe and thye wont even kiss with tongue. i HATE minneosta. whats the point in being straight edge? to wear an X on your fucking hand? WHO CARES write one on there yay! is it fun yet? NO fucking asshole pussy damn minnesotan boys pissin me off to the ehde. another reason why im bootin to florida! |florida=sexyyyyy guys | minnesota=sXe boys| see the ratio? its hot in fl bc of the HOT guys making the weather hot. thats why its so cold here. its th candaian "arctic blast" and its ganna be -50 degrees tomorow. we might not have school. its so cold that snow wont even fall. when im walking in from the aprking lot, my hair freezes stiff and its not even wet. i got icicles commin off my chin and its bulllllshit. minnesota needs to have a fucking meteor hit down here and blow every GUY here to ka-bits. KABOOOOM ughhh mn boys make me SICK pieces of shit should fuck off and die and go to HEAVEN bc hells too hot for them