toronto after dark film festival starts tonight!
i'm sitting in the lettieri cafe right now, half a block away from the bloor cinema. pretty soon i'll be heading over there to pick up my press pass (woohoo!) and buy popcorn (yay bloor cinema popcorn) and sit down to watch
MULBERRY STREET, an indie rat-zombie film. it has a lot of positive buzz so i hope it's good.
i'm finally getting around to looking at the other films that i will want to catch. here are just a couple that are coming up in the next few days:
BLOOD CAR - saturday, 11:30pm. i've been skimming some reviews for this low-budget movie about a car that runs on human blood.
this review is particularly interesting, as it describes BLOOD CAR as not so much a horror movie, nor a dystopian future movie, but rather as a pure comedy:
The only way I can describe it is to suggest: What if it turned out that Mad Max and Soylent Green and Children of Men were all wrong, and the breakdown of society was actually totally fucking hilarious? What Shaun of the Dead did for zombies, this movie does for near-future dystopian nightmares.
the more i read about it, the more completely absurd it seems. i think i will catch it.
THE REBEL - monday, 7pm. the more i read about this movie, the more excited i get about it. first off, i don't think i've actually ever seen a vietamese action movie before! this is apparently
the most expensive vietnamese film ever produced. it's set during the french occupation of vietnam in 1920s. i think there's something about movies about occupied asian countries fighting back against their western oppressors that really appeals to me (like ONCE UPON A TIME IN CHINA)-- read what you will into my psyche :P
the trailer doesn't really tell you much, but it looks beautiful, and toward the end there are some very short shots of what promise to be excellent fight scenes, including at least one hot chick kicking serious ass (one of my weakness :)
twitch film has a very positive review.
REBEL trailer: fast forward to the end to see the fighting :)
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