(no subject)

Feb 14, 2008 00:03

It is inappropriate to show off
Your Power Rangers Underpants
On a first date.

The best thing about the
first date, is that if you screw
it up, there's still time to
fake your own death.

He was a Sk8tr Boi
She said See ya Later, Boy.
Don’t be like them.
Fucking Drama.

People say Disco is dead.
But disco is a lot like love.
It never dies.

it just waits until
it has a good chance
to come back and ruin
your life.

Don’t be afraid to shank
Someone while you’re out.

Just don’t shank your date.

It is not considered good
Etiquette to demand
That your date hand over
His or her wallet and
Personal identification

Do NOT cut off parts of
Your body and send them
To your crush. It didn’t work
For Van Gogh, and it won’t
Work for you.

Give your date a puppy.
Just…not a rabid puppy.

If your date gets mugged,
It’s not a good idea to stand
Back and mock them from
A distance, no matter
How funny it is.

If a ninja tries to kidnap
Your date, do not be afraid
To kick said ninja in the crotch.
If said ninja is a female, just
Leave. You can trash her
On Myspace later.

Contrary to popluar
Belief, girls do not
Like jerks. So stop
Putting dead rats in
Our stuff.

For God’s sake,
Put some damn
Pants on.

Have a Badly Done Kaiju Big Battel-themed Valentine.

kaiju big battel, valentine's day, silly stuff

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