Jan 03, 2010 15:51

So. Had a blast at Ikkicon this weekend.

I got to hang out with beetlefreak a lot and we nerded out over Green Lantern and Punch out.

The Ace Attorney panel went surprisingly well! The cosplay contest portion fell through (Our only AA cosplayer was an awesome Larry Butz) so we did two round of "Turnabout Quiz!"

I think I made the questions too hard though. Next time I'll make easier ones.

Also, none of my art sold, BUT! It wasn't because no one wanted them! It being my first year doing this, I didn't know I needed to write down a minimum bid. The staff that was working when I submitted I guess didn't know either, because I went into the art show and looked around multiple times and they never said anything. But! Right before I left Saturday night, my friend Matt literally grabbed me and dragged me back to the art show. The head of the art show staff was there and had told him that two or three people had wanted to buy my Mother 2 piece, but they wouldn't let them bid on it because no minimum bid was written! The staff that was there had apparently forgotten who I was and what I looked like so she had no idea who to look for (though I had a whole conversation about my cosplay with those staffers when I was submitting my art.) I do feel I probably should have known the minimum bid thing though, so I guess it's really my fault? The art show head did say she was sorry it happened.

However, there's a local game store that does art consignment for videogame related art, so I'll see what I can do when I go to sell off my Gamecube tomorrow after work. I'll make prints before I actually sell any of the art though.

But I'll have to find a way to sell that Minmay piece. I wonder if there are any other nearby cons or cons that take mail in submissons for artshows?

A 4x6 Totoro Print.
A Chain Chomp Button.
A Takashi Morinozuka button.
A handmade plush cell phone charm.
A Macross Vol 1 DVD.
A Brigadoon Vol. 1 DVD.

I'll try to have photos up tomorrow. Still, I had a total blast.

cosplay, art, ikkicon

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