Feb 01, 2010 17:59
I started the new job last Monday. All of last week was a little overwhelming, as I hadnt any clue what I was doing (for the most part) and people were talking to me as though one day on the job made me an expert. Not the case, by the way. Today was a great day. I still have SO much to learn, but I'm one week closer to getting there, and I was able to cross some things off of the list today. I like that. I'm a list checker. Not always...but I like it for my job. I've been training the lady who will have my classroom...now HER classroom. I think she is overwhelmed as well. I would be too, in her position. I wish there were an easier transition for her. But there isn;t a better method at this point. Quite frankly, any training method might be better than what we offer at the moment....I wish I could help her more, without compromising my new position at the same time.
Anyways...just wanted to make a short entry about it. I'm excited about the change. Its finally here! Gotta go get to a staff meeting....my first as a director! This will be different!