Saiyuki Genderswitch

Oct 01, 2009 20:08

Originally posted: June 18, 2008

Title: "My candy. Mine!"
artist: Maarit M aka. stalkerbunny
warning: silly, scanty costumes. Also note title, so watch for your brainsafety?
notes: It all started when I'd been looking at some old pin up images, and while being bored at school I decided I wanted to draw...costumes. Really flashy, gaudy and "sexy" costumes. Which was more fun when I had to consider also an elemental theme and how they would suit a particular character...
Alas, I wanted to draw women's costumes and my fandom of choice has few of those...:/

Fixed that ;D

My muses didn't inform me what kind of performance they actually have, thought I'm sure it's something fabulous. They did have some dialogue. I'll be evil and let you figure out who's who... >_>;
Also haven't used markers in a while, so I hope it doesn't look too rusty.

"No, were not there yet, and no we don't have any food."
"Aw, that's not fair."
"You should watch out your eating anyway, wouldn't want to get fat, eh?"
"Shut up Gigi. *kick*"
"Ew! Don't touch me with your foot, you monkey."
"Like I want to touch some thing."
"Save your voice, we have an important show tonight."
"Yes yes, going to the enemy's den and all that. *eyeroll"
"Hey, Sarah? Why do Kourtney and the rest of them have their own theater?"
"You have a complaint you can join them for all I care. Just don't complain to me about having to wear a creepy bunny costume."
"I didn't mean that! "

"...Gigi, stop that. I don't want to die with you idiots because you can't keep your hands of of our driver."
"It's not that distracting, really."
"Sure it isn't, Haley."

genderswitch, pairing:hakkai/gojyo, au, fandom:saiyuki

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